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Try it risk-free with our pay-as-you-go plan. 

$ 200 /lease
  • Pay as you go
  • $0 to get started with no other fees
  • Ideal for firms managing small lease portfolios with minimal visibility into lease count

Our most popular plan allows you to save costs for each lease.

$ 1,200 /for up to 8 leases
  • $1,200 upfront commitment for 8 leases
  • $150/lease after 8 leases ($50/lease savings from Starter plan)

  • Perfect for firms managing mid-size lease portfolios

Have more than 8 leases? Talk to sales for custom pricing.

8+ leases
  • Custom pricing
  • Flexible billing options and terms
  • Ideal for CPA firms with clients who need lease accounting software and support

Try it risk-free with our pay-as-you-go plan. 

$ 300 /lease
  • Pay as you go
  • $0 to get started with no other fees
  • Ideal for companies managing smaller lease portfolios

Our most popular plan allows you to save costs for each lease.

$ 2,000 /for up to 8 leases
  • $2,000 upfront commitment for 8 leases

  • $250/lease after 8 leases ($50/lease savings from Starter plan)

  • Perfect for organizations managing mid-size lease portfolios

Have more than 8 leases? Talk to sales for custom pricing.

8+ leases
  • Custom pricing
  • Flexible billing options and terms
  • Ideal for organizations with complex, large or growing lease portfolios who need lease accounting software and support

Lease Accounting, Simplified

LeaseCrunch is a simple, scalable, cloud-based solution that allows CPA firms and companies to automate the new lease reporting requirements with ease.