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What are the options for handling 13 period accounting in LeaseCrunch?
This article covers options for 13 period and 4-4-5 period accounting
LeaseCrunch reports run on calendar month periods. If your periods are not based on calendar months, the following options are available to you:
- Book entries on a calendar month basis lining up the 12 entries with the periods that most closely line up with the calendar months.
- Book entries in the first 12 periods, skipping the last period.
- Book entries in the first 12 periods and have a standing Journal Entry to offload 1/13th of the expense each month to a clearing account that accumulates through the year and then is expensed in the 13th period.
- User our Cost Center Allocation to split each Expense account 12/13 to expense and 1/13 to an asset account that is then expensed in the 13th period.