Quick Tips: Reporting

Exporting Entered Leases

Once your lease is entered and complete in LeaseCrunch, you can begin pulling report at the bottom of the My Leases screen. Amortization Schedules, Journal Entries, Footnote Disclosures, and a collection of all data is readily available with the push of a button.

Reporting 101

LeaseCrunch offers multiple reports for leases in Complete status. Every report from LeaseCrunch is exported into excel and includes 3 tabs: 

  • The Data tab includes the details of each report run: Journal Entries, Amortization Schedule, or Footnote.
  • The Criteria tab includes the criteria used to run the report.
  • The Leases tab includes all lease data for the leases selected when the report was exported along with hyperlinked lease ID which links back to LeaseCrunch.

Tips on Journal Entries

Columns are customized each time a report is exported to ease importing into accounting systems. This report exports data monthly and can be quickly pivoted to create aggregate entries.

The Journal Entries report is also run with Data by Lease by clicking the "Include Data by Lease" checkbox.

This report includes a tab called Data by Lease with values for each lease selected.

If you are interested in learning how to set up a pivot table, please reference the Knowledge Base.

Tips on Amortization Schedule

This report is used to see the entries and balances for a lease or group of leases. 

The Amortization Schedule is also run with Data by Lease by clicking the "Include Data by Lease" checkbox.

This report includes an additional tab in the export called Data by Lease with values for each lease selected. The columns to the right include the Lease Name and additional lease information. 

Tips on the Footnote

The Footnote reporting automatically includes quantitative disclosures as required by the lease accounting standards reducing the burden on accounting teams. This report includes additional calculations such as:

  • Finance lease amortization and interest expense
  • Operating lease expense
  • Weighted averages
ReminderDeleted leases are not included in the footnote so make sure the timing of the deleted leases is taken into account.