How can the lease classification be changed?

Change a Lease from Operating to Finance, or Finance to Operating

To change the lease classification for a lease, on the My Leases page, click the blue pencil to start editing a lease. 

Navigate to the Lease Payments & Classification tab, and then scroll to the bottom and update the dropdown list to the correct classification.

Note: This will change all calculations for the existing lease dating back to the lease start date. 

Note: If the classification dropdown is grayed out, the Classification Wizard will need to be used to make changes to the lease classification.


Once the classification change is saved, a warning will appear alerting that the GL Account information will need to be reentered.  Click Yes to continue:

The GL Accounts tab will now be highlighted in red, indicating that there are changes that need to verified before the classification change is completed:


Click the tab, verify and change the GL Accounts as needed, then click Save Changes, and the lease will now be in a completed status.