We've partnered with LeaseCrunch to simplify Lease Accounting
Audit-in-a-box for Lease Accounting
With Thompson Greenspon and LeaseCrunch, you don't need to be an expert in ASC 842, IFRS 16 or GASB 87/96 compliance. This simple, easy-to-use solution allows you to address the biggest challenges in the new lease standard while automating the required deliverables. The software is comprehensive and cost-effective, even for companies with just a single lease.
The Fallacy of Spreadsheets
Although spreadsheets have worked in the past, they are not a solution for the new lease standard calculations. Spreadsheets introduce risks in regards to the accuracy, privacy, and security of your financial statement inputs.
But, there's good news! When LeaseCrunch does the calculating and heavy lifting for you, you receive spreadsheets pre-populated with accurate journal entries, amortization schedules, and footnote disclosures.