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Recently, LeaseCrunch held a live webinar discussing the definition, exclusions, and implementation of GASB 96, along with SBITA examples, measurements, and tips for adopting this accounting standard. If you missed the webinar, don’t worry. In this blog, we recap it all and tell you everything you need to know about GASB 96 and SBITAs, their main area of concern.
Subscription-based revenue models have become an increasingly popular mode of payment for many business entities and are only continuing to grow. The subscription economy is estimated to reach $1.5 trillion by 2025; however, 48% of these entities struggle to meet the accounting and reporting standards their business models require. Thus, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) introduced GASB 96 to standardize the transparency and accuracy of government financial reporting.
GASB 96 is a statement that provides guidelines for government entities reporting SBITAs in their financial statements. In addition to defining SBITAs and providing capitalization criteria for implementation costs, GASB 96 enhances the relevancy and reliability of a government’s financial statements, disclosing the scale and importance of SBITAs for a government.
Before we give SBITA examples, let’s define a SBITA. A Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangement (SBITA) is a contract between a government entity and another party (such as an IT Vendor) that grants the right to use IT software for a period of time in an exchange or exchange-like transaction.
Let’s break this definition down further.
To have control of a SBITA, government entities must have (a) the right to obtain the present service capacity of the IT asset as specified in the contract and (b) the right to determine the nature and manner of use of the underlying IT asset. “Present service capacity” means that the government has access to the IT asset without the SBITA vendor being able to use it at any point during the term. To determine the “nature and manner” means that the government can use the IT asset however they desire. If a contract doesn’t meet these definitions, then the definition of control is not met, and it is not a SBITA.
A period of time in the above definition means a noncancellable right a government has to use an asset, including its options to renew or terminate, otherwise known as a subscription term. An exchange or exchange-like transaction essentially means a cash payment to a vendor.
Some types of SBITAs are:
SBITA examples include:
There are a few things to keep in mind concerning SBITAs:
There is no such thing as a lessor in GASB 96. Rather, people who lend the use of a SBITA are known as vendors. Should a government believe they are a vendor, they should review revenue recognition and speak with their CPA firm.
Perpetual contracts are excluded from reporting under GASB 96.
Cancellable terms where the government or the IT vendor has the option to terminate the subscription without permission from the other party are excluded from GASB 96.
Cloud-based storage may not always be a SBITA (refer back to the definition of control).
SBITA does not apply when the IT software component is insignificant when compared to the costs of the tangible capital asset.
Tangible assets are also excluded in SBITAs and are likely accounted for under GASB 87.
There are three stages of implementation for SBITAs:
This stage includes conceptual formulation and evaluating alternative IT assets, determining the existence of needed technology, and the final selection of alternative IT assets to solve that need. Outlays associated with this stage are expensed as incurred.
This stage includes ancillary charges related to the configuration, coding, testing, and installation of chosen subscription assets. This stage is completed when the subscription asset is placed into service and when costs are capitalized as part of the subscription asset over the subscription term.
This stage includes maintenance, troubleshooting, and other activities associated with the government’s ongoing access to the IT assets. Activities in this stage may also include implementation of additional modules. Outlays are expensed as incurred unless they provide an increase in functionality or increase to the level of service provided by the subscription asset, in which case they are capitalized as part of the subscription asset.
A government should evaluate a contract to identify if it fits the definition of a SBITA. If it does, then the government will determine the amount of Subscription Liability and Subscription Assets to be recorded and subsequently measured.
At the commencement of the subscription term, governments will measure the subscription liability and subscription assets. To determine the subscription liability, first determine what qualifies as a payment:
Once payments have been identified, governments will determine the present value of future payments using the discount rate implicit in the arrangement or the government's estimated incremental borrowing rate. Once the subscription liability has been determined, add back any payments made to the SBITA vendor at or before commencement, initial implementation costs and subtract incentives received from the vendor to determine the subscription asset.
After initial measurement, the subscription asset should be amortized in a systematic and rational manner over the shorter of the subscription term or the useful life of the underlying IT asset. Amortization of the subscription asset should begin at the commencement of the subscription term.
Governments should disclose in their footnote the following information about their SBITAs:
To successfully transition to GASB 96, start collecting your SBITAs now. Evaluate each arrangement and the terms within each. Apply what you learned from implementing GASB 87 to the GASB 96 implementation. Accounting software like LeaseCrunch can make this process easier.
LeaseCrunch’s easy-to-use software is developed by CPAs, former FASB staff, Big Four auditors, and accounting academics, so you’ll never have to calculate GASB 96 or any of the new lease accounting standards manually again. To learn more, contact us, or book a demo to see LeaseCrunch’s software in action.
Some SBITA examples include subscription-based software services such as Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms. These arrangements provide users with access to software applications and IT infrastructure, typically through a subscription fee model.
A SBITA in GASB 96 refers to a Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangement, which involves acquiring access to IT systems and infrastructure through subscription contracts. GASB 96 provides guidance on accounting and financial reporting for these arrangements, helping government entities accurately reflect their IT expenses and assets.
GASB 96 was officially issued on June 25, 2020, and became applicable for fiscal periods subsequent to June 15, 2022.
Subscription-based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA) are agreements where a customer pays a periodic fee to access and utilize a vendor's IT infrastructure, software, or services. Under GASB 96, these arrangements are treated as capital assets and require proper accounting treatment for government entities. Some SBITA examples include Zoom, Canvas, Dropbox, Skyward, other financial accounting services, and LeaseCrunch.
GASB 96 defines SBITAs, establishes that a SBITA results in a subscription asset as well as a corresponding subscription liability, outlines the capitalization criteria for outlays besides subscription payments, and requires footnote disclosures that regard SBITAs.
Standardizing the reporting of SBITAs in government financial statements enhances the relevance of and confidence in a government’s financial statements. By requiring a government entity to report an asset and a liability for a SBITA and disclose certain information about their arrangement, financial transparency is increased and reporting becomes easier to digest.
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